#!/bin/bash ### ### Copyright 2019, 2023, Instana Inc. ### ### Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); ### you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ### You may obtain a copy of the License at ### ### http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 ### ### Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ### distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ### WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ### See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ### limitations under the License. ### set -o pipefail AGENT_DIR="/opt/instana/agent" # AIX, Darwin, Linux, SunOS OS=$(uname -s) MACHINE="" FAMILY="unknown" INIT="sysv" PKG_URI=packages.instana.io AGENT_TYPE="dynamic" OPEN_J9="false" PROMPT=true ENABLE_SERVICE=false RESTART=false LOCATION= ENDPOINT="" MODE="apm" GIT_REPO= GIT_BRANCH= GIT_USERNAME= GIT_PASSWORD= INSTANA_AGENT_SYSTEMD_TYPE=simple INSTANA_AGENT_KEY="$INSTANA_AGENT_KEY" INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY="$INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY" INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="$INSTANA_AGENT_HOST" INSTANA_AGENT_PORT="${INSTANA_AGENT_PORT:-443}" INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG="" gpg_check=1 function exists { if which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 else return 1 fi } download_command='none' function download_to_stdout { case "${download_command}" in 'curl') download_to_stdout_curl $@ ;; 'wget') download_to_stdout_wget $@ ;; *) log_error "Unknown download command '${download_command}'" exit 1; esac } function download_to_stdout_curl { local request_method="" if [[ "$1" == "GET" || "$1" == "POST" || "$1" == "PUT" ]]; then request_method="-X ${1}" shift fi local url="$1" local header_parameter if [[ "$2" == "-H" ]]; then header_parameter="-H ${3}" shift 2 fi # Auth is passed in curl format: : local authentication="$2" local authentication_parameters # Connection timeout, default 2 secs local connect_timeout="${3:-2}" if [ -n "${authentication}" ]; then authentication_parameters="-u ${authentication}" fi if curl -s --fail --connect-timeout "${connect_timeout}" ${request_method} ${header_parameter} ${authentication_parameters} "${url}"; then return 0 else return $? fi } function download_to_stdout_wget { local request_method="" if [[ "$1" == "GET" || "$1" == "POST" || "$1" == "PUT" ]]; then request_method="--method=${1}" shift fi local url="$1" local header_parameter if [[ "$2" == "-H" ]]; then header_parameter="--header ${3}" shift 2 fi # Auth is passed in curl format: : local authentication="$2" local authentication_parameters # Connection timeout, default 2 secs local connect_timeout="${3:-2}" if [ -n "${authentication}" ]; then local username; username=$(awk -F ':' '{ print $1}' <<< "${authentication}") local password password=$(awk -F ':' '{ print $2}' <<< "${authentication}") authentication_parameters="--auth-no-challenge --http-user=${username} --http-password=${password}" fi if wget --timeout="${connect_timeout}" ${request_method} ${header_parameter} -qO- ${authentication_parameters} "${url}"; then return 0 else return $? fi } function log_error { local message=$1 if [[ $TERM == *"color"* ]]; then echo -e "\e[31m$message\e[0m" else echo $message fi } function log_info { local message=$1 if [[ $TERM == *"color"* ]]; then echo -e "\e[32m$message\e[0m" else echo $message fi } function log_warn { local message=$1 if [[ $TERM == *"color"* ]]; then echo -e "\e[33m${message}\e[0m" else echo "${message}" fi } function receive_confirmation() { read -r -p "$1 [y/N] " response if [[ ! $response =~ ^([yY][eE][sS]|[yY])$ ]]; then return 1 fi return 0 } function check_prerequisites() { if exists curl; then download_command='curl' elif exists wget; then download_command='wget' else log_error 'This script requires either curl or wget to be installed on this system. Aborting installation.' exit 1 fi if ! which gpg > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_warn 'The "gpg" program is not installed on this system: the verification of the Instana agent packages cannot be performed.' if [ $PROMPT = true ]; then if ! receive_confirmation 'Do you want to continue?'; then exit 1 fi fi log_warn 'The verification of the Instana agent packages will be skipped.' gpg_check=0 fi } function check_download_key() { # Retry the download-key check a few times with increasing timeout as this appeared to be unreliable at times # Timeout is identified by exit code 28 for curl, and 4 for wget. local retval local n=1 while : do # Use an increasing timeout of "n*3" seconds download_to_stdout "https://${PKG_URI}/agent/generic/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml" "_:${INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY}" $((n * 3)) > /dev/null 2>&1 retval=$? [ ${retval} -ne 28 ] && [ ${retval} -ne 4 ] && break || n=$((n + 1)) [ ${n} -ge 5 ] && break done if [ ${retval} -eq 28 ] || [ ${retval} -eq 4 ]; then log_error "Verifying the Instana agent download key timed-out, please try again." exit 1 elif [ ${retval} -ne 0 ]; then log_error "The Instana agent download key provided seems to be invalid, please check the agent key and try again." exit 1 fi } function detect_family() { if which apt-get &> /dev/null; then FAMILY="apt" return 0 fi if type dnf &>/dev/null then FAMILY="dnf" return 0 fi if type yum &>/dev/null then FAMILY="yum" return 0 fi if which zypper &> /dev/null; then FAMILY="zypper" return 0 fi } function detect_init() { if ls -l /sbin/init | grep systemd &> /dev/null; then INIT="systemd" return 0 fi if /sbin/init --version | grep upstart &> /dev/null; then INIT="upstart" return 0 fi } function detect_machine() { if [ "$OS" = "AIX" ]; then MACHINE=$(uname -p) elif [ "$OS" = "Darwin" ]; then MACHINE=$(uname -m) elif [ "$OS" = "Linux" ]; then MACHINE=$(uname -m) elif [ "$OS" = "SunOS" ]; then MACHINE=$(uname -m) else log_info "Could not detect machine for OS: $OS" MACHINE="unknown" fi } function get_endpoint() { if [ -n "${ENDPOINT}" ]; then local split=(${ENDPOINT//:/ }) INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="${split[0]}" INSTANA_AGENT_PORT="${split[1]}" elif [[ "${LOCATION}" == "eu" ]]; then INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="saas-eu-west-1.instana.io" elif [[ "${LOCATION}" == "us" ]]; then INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="saas-us-west-2.instana.io" elif [[ "${LOCATION}" == "red" ]]; then INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="ingress-red-saas.instana.io" elif [[ "${LOCATION}" == "blue" ]]; then INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="ingress-blue-saas.instana.io" elif [[ "${LOCATION}" == "green" ]]; then INSTANA_AGENT_HOST="ingress-green-saas.instana.io" fi } function use_internal_packages () { if [ "${USE_INTERNAL_PACKAGES}" = 'true' ]; then local MVN_CFG_FILE='/opt/instana/agent/etc/org.ops4j.pax.url.mvn.cfg' log_info "Configuring internal repository usage in ${MVN_CFG_FILE} file" sed -i 's/features-public@id=features/features-internal@id=features/' "${MVN_CFG_FILE}" fi } function setup_agent() { local gpg_uri="https://${PKG_URI}/Instana.gpg" case "$FAMILY" in 'apt') log_info "Setting up Instana APT repository" # For whatever reason debian uses rando arch names instead of what is reported by uname local arch="$MACHINE" case "${MACHINE}" in 'x86_64') arch='amd64' ;; 'aarch64') arch='arm64' ;; 'ppc64le') arch='ppc64el' ;; esac local INSTANA_AUTH_CONF_FILE='/etc/apt/auth.conf.d/instana-packages.conf' if [ -d "$(dirname "${INSTANA_AUTH_CONF_FILE}")" ]; then # We should use /etc/apt/auth.conf.d rather than hard-coding the credentials in the `apt url`. if ! echo "machine ${PKG_URI} login _ password ${INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY} " > "${INSTANA_AUTH_CONF_FILE}"; then log_error "Cannot create the ${INSTANA_AUTH_CONF_FILE} file to configure authentication for the ${PKG_URI} repository" exit 1 fi log_info "Authentication for the ${PKG_URI} repository has been added to apt via the ${INSTANA_AUTH_CONF_FILE} file" local apt_uri="deb [arch=${arch}] https://${PKG_URI}/agent/deb generic main" else local apt_uri="deb [arch=${arch}] https://_:${INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY}@${PKG_URI}/agent/deb generic main" fi if ! echo "$apt_uri" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/instana-agent.list; then log_error "Instana APT repository setup failed" exit 1 fi if [ "${gpg_check}" -eq 1 ]; then log_info "Importing Instana GPG key" if ! download_to_stdout "$gpg_uri" | apt-key add - > /dev/null; then log_error "Instana GPG key import failed" exit 1 fi else AUTHENTICATION_PARAM='--allow-unauthenticated -o Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories=true' fi log_info "Updating apt metadata" if ! apt-get ${AUTHENTICATION_PARAM} update -o Dir::Etc::sourcelist="sources.list.d/instana-agent.list" -o Dir::Etc::sourceparts="-" -o APT::Get::List-Cleanup="0" > /dev/null; then log_error "APT repository metadata update failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Installing Instana agent" if ! apt-get ${AUTHENTICATION_PARAM} -o DPkg::lock::Timeout=120 install -y instana-agent-${AGENT_TYPE} > /dev/null; then log_error "Instana agent package install failed" exit 1 fi use_internal_packages ;; 'dnf') log_info "Setting up Instana RPM repository" local yum_repo read -r -d '' yum_repo < /etc/yum.repos.d/Instana-Agent.repo; then log_error "Instana YUM repository setup failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Updating YUM metadata" if ! dnf makecache -y > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "YUM repository metadata update failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Installing Instana agent" if ! dnf install -y instana-agent-$AGENT_TYPE > /dev/null; then log_error "Instana agent package install failed" exit 1 fi use_internal_packages ;; 'yum') log_info "Setting up Instana YUM repository" local yum_repo read -r -d '' yum_repo < /etc/yum.repos.d/Instana-Agent.repo; then log_error "Instana YUM repository setup failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Updating YUM metadata" if ! yum makecache -y fast > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "YUM repository metadata update failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Installing Instana agent" if ! yum install -y instana-agent-$AGENT_TYPE > /dev/null; then log_error "Instana agent package install failed" exit 1 fi use_internal_packages ;; 'zypper') log_info "Setting up Instana zypper repository" local zypp_repo read -r -d '' zypp_repo < /etc/zypp/repos.d/Instana-Agent.repo; then log_error "Instana zypper repository setup failed" exit 1 fi if [ "${gpg_check}" -eq 1 ]; then log_info "Importing Instana GPG key" if ! rpm --import "$gpg_uri"; then log_error "Instana GPG key import failed" exit 1 fi fi log_info "Updating zypper metadata" if ! zypper -n refresh Instana > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "zypper repository metadata update failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Installing Instana agent" if ! zypper -n install instana-agent-$AGENT_TYPE > /dev/null; then log_error "Instana agent package install failed" exit 1 fi use_internal_packages ;; *) log_error 'Unsupported package manager. The supported packages managers are: apt, dnf, yum, zypper' exit 1; esac } function configure_mode() { if [ "${MODE}" = 'apm' ]; then /bin/cp "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg.template" "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg" echo "mode = APM" >> "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg" return 0 fi if [ "${MODE}" = 'aws' ]; then log_info 'Configuring AWS mode' # Get region from metadata endpoint export INSTANA_AWS_TOKEN=$(download_to_stdout PUT -H X-aws-ec2-metadata-token-ttl-seconds:21600) if [ -n "${INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG}" ]; then log_info "Using the AWS region ${INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG} configured via the 'INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG' environment variable" export INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG elif [ -z ${INSTANA_AWS_TOKEN+x} ]; then if ! INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG=$(download_to_stdout | awk -F\" '/region/ {print $4}'); then log_error "Error querying AWS metadata. It seems this virtual machine is not running on EC2. Please set the 'INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG' environment variable manually." exit 1 fi elif ! INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG=$(download_to_stdout -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token:${INSTANA_AWS_TOKEN}" | awk -F\" '/region/ {print $4}'); then log_error "Error querying AWS metadata via token. It seems this virtual machine is not running on EC2. Please set the 'INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG' environment variable manually." exit 1 fi ROLES_FOUND=false if [ -z ${INSTANA_AWS_TOKEN+x} ]; then if download_to_stdout > /dev/null 2>&1; then ROLES_FOUND=true fi elif download_to_stdout -H "X-aws-ec2-metadata-token:${INSTANA_AWS_TOKEN}" > /dev/null 2>&1; then ROLES_FOUND=true fi if [ "$ROLES_FOUND" = "false" ]; then if [ -z "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ] || [ -z "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ]; then log_error "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and/or AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY not exported, and no IAM instance role detected to allow AWS API access." exit 1 fi fi /bin/cp "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg.template" "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg" echo "mode = INFRASTRUCTURE" >> "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg" return 0 fi if [ "$MODE" = "infra" ]; then /bin/cp "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg.template" "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg" echo "mode = INFRASTRUCTURE" >> "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/instana/com.instana.agent.main.config.Agent.cfg" return 0 fi } function delete_git_repo() { rm -rf "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/.git" } function check_preexisting_git_repository() { if [ -n "${GIT_REPO}" ] && [ -d "${AGENT_DIR}/etc/.git" ]; then log_warn "The Git options have been specified, but there is already a Git repository in '${AGENT_DIR}/etc/.git'. To continue, we need to remove the current Git repository." if [ $PROMPT = true ]; then if receive_confirmation 'Do you want to continue?'; then delete_git_repo fi else delete_git_repo fi fi } function configure_env() { local env_content="" local env_path="" if [ "$INIT" = "systemd" ]; then env_path=/opt/instana/agent/etc/systemd.env else if [ "$FAMILY" = "zypper" ] || [ "$FAMILY" = "yum" ]; then env_path=/etc/sysconfig/instana-agent fi if [ "$FAMILY" = "apt" ]; then env_path=/etc/default/instana-agent fi fi [[ -n "$INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG" ]] && env_content+="$(get_env_line INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG $INSTANA_AWS_REGION_CONFIG)\n" [[ -n "$AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" ]] && env_content+="$(get_env_line AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID $AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)\n" [[ -n "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY" ]] && env_content+="$(get_env_line AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY "$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY")\n" [[ -n "$GIT_REPO" && -n "$GIT_BRANCH" ]] && env_content+="$(get_env_line INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_REPOSITORY "$GIT_REPO")\n$(get_env_line INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_BRANCH "$GIT_BRANCH")\n" if [ -n "$GIT_USERNAME" ]; then env_content+="$(get_env_line INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_USERNAME "$GIT_USERNAME")\n" if [ -n "$GIT_PASSWORD" ]; then env_content+="$(get_env_line INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_PASSWORD "$GIT_PASSWORD")\n" else env_content+="$(get_env_line INSTANA_GIT_REMOTE_PASSWORD "")\n" fi fi printf "$env_content" > "$env_path" } function get_env_line() { local key=$1 local val=$2 if [ "$INIT" = "systemd" ]; then echo "${key}=${val}" else echo "export ${key}=${val}" fi } function update_custom_systemd_unit_file () { # file does not exists -> new installation indicator if [ "$INIT" = "systemd" ] && [ ! -e /lib/systemd/system/instana-agent.service ]; then mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/instana-agent.service.d/ local systemd_custom_start_conf read -r -d '' systemd_custom_start_conf < /etc/systemd/system/instana-agent.service.d/agent-custom-start.conf; then log_warn "Failed to create '/etc/systemd/system/instana-agent.service.d/agent-custom-start.conf'" fi fi } function disable_autostart_on_systemd() { if [ "$INIT" != "systemd" ]; then INSTANA_AGENT_AUTOSTART=true return 0 fi INSTANA_AGENT_AUTOSTART=false export INSTANA_AGENT_AUTOSTART } function start_agent() { if systemctl is-active instana-agent > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_info "Instana agent service is active and agent is reinstalled. Service will be restarted" RESTART=true fi if [ $ENABLE_SERVICE = false ] && [ $RESTART = false ] && [ $INSTANA_AGENT_AUTOSTART = true ]; then return 0 fi if [ "$INIT" = "systemd" ]; then if grep -iq 'SUSE' /etc/*release 2>/dev/null; then # remove SysV file on SUSE linux before enabling the service if [ -f /etc/init.d/instana-agent ]; then rm -f /etc/init.d/instana-agent fi fi if [ $ENABLE_SERVICE = true ]; then if ! systemctl daemon-reload > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "systemctl daemon reload failed" exit 1 fi if ! systemctl reset-failed > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "systemctl reset-failed failed" exit 1 fi if ! systemctl enable instana-agent > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "Instana agent service enable on boot failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Instana agent enabled on boot" fi log_info "Starting instana-agent" if ! systemctl restart instana-agent > /dev/null 2>&1; then log_error "Instana agent service start failed" exit 1 fi log_info "Instana agent service started up" else log_warn "Instana agent automatic enable/startup by this script is only supported for systemd" log_warn "Utilize your distribution's init system methods to enable/start the agent" fi } while getopts "syjinl:e:t:m:a:d:i:g:b:u:p:" opt; do case $opt in a) INSTANA_AGENT_KEY=$OPTARG ;; b) GIT_BRANCH=$OPTARG ;; l) LOCATION=$OPTARG ;; d) INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY=$OPTARG ;; e) ENDPOINT=$OPTARG ;; g) GIT_REPO=$OPTARG ;; m) MODE=$OPTARG ;; n) INSTANA_AGENT_SYSTEMD_TYPE=notify ;; p) GIT_PASSWORD=$OPTARG ;; u) GIT_USERNAME=$OPTARG ;; s) ENABLE_SERVICE=true ;; i) USE_INTERNAL_PACKAGES=true ;; j) OPEN_J9="true" ;; t) AGENT_TYPE=$OPTARG # full and minimal are deprecated # remove this when the packages are removed if [ "$AGENT_TYPE" = "full" ]; then AGENT_TYPE=dynamic fi if [ "$AGENT_TYPE" = "minimal" ]; then AGENT_TYPE=dynamic fi ;; y) PROMPT=false ;; \?) echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2 exit 1 ;; esac done if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then log_error "This script must be executed as a user with root privileges" exit 1 fi if [ "$OS" = "Darwin" ]; then log_error "Agent install script does not support macOS. Please download the macOS package from the 'Installing Instana Agents' wizard." exit 1 fi if [ "$OS" = "AIX" ]; then log_error "Agent install script does not support AIX. Please download the AIX package from the 'Installing Instana Agents' wizard." exit 1 fi if [ "$OS" = "SunOS" ]; then log_error "Agent install script does not support Solaris. Please download the Solaris package from the 'Installing Instana Agents' wizard." exit 1 fi detect_machine if [ $MACHINE != "x86_64" ] && [ $MACHINE != "aarch64" ] && [ $MACHINE != "s390x" ] && [ $MACHINE != "ppc64le" ]; then log_error "Systems architecture: $MACHINE not supported" exit 1 fi if [ ! "$INSTANA_AGENT_KEY" ]; then echo "-a INSTANA_AGENT_KEY required!" exit 1 fi if [ ! "$INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY" ]; then INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY="$INSTANA_AGENT_KEY" fi if [ $AGENT_TYPE != "static" ] && [ $AGENT_TYPE != "dynamic" ]; then log_error "Invalid agent type specified $AGENT_TYPE" exit 1 fi if [ "$ENDPOINT" != "" ]; then if ! echo "$ENDPOINT" | grep ":" &>/dev/null; then log_error "Agent endpoint must be in the format of :" exit 1 fi fi if [ -n "${LOCATION}" ]; then log_warn "The -l parameter is deprecated and will not be updated to cover new SaaS regions going forward. Use -e instead." if [ "${LOCATION}" != "eu" ] && [ "${LOCATION}" != "us" ] && [ "${LOCATION}" != "red" ] && [ "${LOCATION}" != "blue" ] && [ "${LOCATION}" != "green" ]; then log_error "Invalid location '${LOCATION}' specified. Please select 'blue', 'red' or 'green'." exit 1 fi fi if [ "$MODE" != "apm" ] && [ "$MODE" != "aws" ] && [ "$MODE" != "infra" ]; then log_error "Invalid mode specified. Supported modes: apm | aws | infra." exit 1 fi if [ $OPEN_J9 = "false" ]; then if [ $MACHINE = "s390x" ] || [ $MACHINE = "ppc64le" ]; then log_info "For the '${MACHINE}' architecture only OpenJ9 JDK is available. Enforcing OpenJ9 agent runtime." OPEN_J9="true" fi fi if [ $OPEN_J9 = "true" ]; then AGENT_TYPE="${AGENT_TYPE}-j9" fi if [ ! "$INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY" ]; then INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY="$INSTANA_AGENT_KEY" fi if [ -n "${GIT_REPO}" ]; then if [ -z "${GIT_BRANCH}" ]; then log_error "The '-g' option for the Git repository has been specified without the '-b' option to specify the remote branch." exit 1 fi else if [ -n "${GIT_BRANCH}" ]; then log_error "The '-b' option for the remote branch has been specified without the '-g' option to specify the Git repository." exit 1 fi if [ -n "${GIT_USERNAME}" ]; then log_error "The '-u' option for the username to authenticate with has been specified without the '-g' option to specify the Git repository." exit 1 fi if [ -n "${GIT_PASSWORD}" ]; then log_error "The '-p' option for the password to authenticate with has been specified without the '-g' option to specify the Git repository." exit 1 fi fi if [ -n "${GIT_PASSWORD}" ]; then if [ -z "${GIT_USERNAME}" ]; then log_error "The '-p' option for the password to authenticate with has been specified without the '-u' option to specify the username." exit 1 fi fi detect_family detect_init echo "Setting up the ${AGENT_TYPE} Instana agent for $OS" if [ $PROMPT = false ]; then response=y else if ! receive_confirmation "Are you sure?"; then exit 1 fi fi check_prerequisites export INSTANA_AGENT_KEY export INSTANA_DOWNLOAD_KEY export INSTANA_AGENT_HOST export INSTANA_AGENT_PORT check_download_key get_endpoint disable_autostart_on_systemd update_custom_systemd_unit_file if ! setup_agent; then exit 1 fi configure_mode check_preexisting_git_repository configure_env if ! start_agent; then exit 1 fi